Thursday 27 December 2012

EverGleam Vintage Aluminum Christmas Tree In Action

This year I struggled with lack of holiday spirit, space constraints (for the 4th Xmas since we moved here) and the cut vs. artificial tree dilemma. All of the arguments point to a cut tree being the most environmentally friendly choice. The way our rooms are set up, however, make it difficult to place a tree (we had one here in 2007, the year we bought this townhome). Since we are childfree there is no real pressure to go to the trouble to have one. But I like celebrating the holiday with treasures that we only see for a few weeks each year so I wanted to find a way to do it. But I didn't want to buy a plastic tree. When I searched to find a "PVC Free Artificial Christmas Tree" what came up was Aluminum Christmas and the information here and thru my other research pointed to the stainless aluminum tree of the Space Age as the only option. There are also feather trees, which are also quite popular in some countries, but I don't know if the feathers are plucked from a living bird and I wouldn't want an animal harmed for decoration. (I try to be both fur and feather free.) The Aluminum Christmas Trees site is the most extensive site I've seen and has a lot of history on it. if you are intrigued by the history of American metal manufacturing and/or historical holiday observances, you should check it out. The more I read the more I got excited about taking this decorating route. I started calling antique stores and found a 4 foot Evergleam Aluminum Tree in the ...

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